Gardening Basics: 5 Tips for Choosing Plants at the Nursery

Gardening is a hobby that is highly rewarding with the nourishing green environment that it can provide you with. Adding plants to the garden is always important to keep it refreshing and to bring the essence of beauty. Choosing the right and healthy plants is an important choice to make for keeping the garden intact. Here are some of the very useful tips that would help anyone to make the most appropriate choices of the plants that would be a great addition to their garden. Get the aid and advise from garden centres in Northern Ireland for growing a healthy garden.

Pick the Plants with very Healthy Foliage

The leaves of the plants reflect the health of it. Avoid the plants with yellow or brown coloured leaves as it just reflects that the plant is not given proper care. There might be instances of under or over watering and the exposure to sunlight may also not be right. Dark or pale spots on foliage indicate some kind of illness that can even spread to the plants which are already there in the garden. Presence of webs or any chewed leaves indicates the attack of insects. It is better to avoid buying plants with such kind of issues.

Do Not Buy Plants Which Have Been in the Nursery for Very Long

Nurseries are for holding plants temporarily. If a plant has stayed in the nursery for weeks or months or longer, then it means that the roots of the plants would have grown in a circle to form root bound in the container in contrast to the root growing outward. This is an issue as roots are hampered in the efforts for absorbing nutrients and water thus making the plant sick and gradually die. One can look for roots growing out of the drainage hole of the container or weed growth as the sign that the plant has been there in the container for a longer time.

Choose the Plants that Grow in Smaller Size Containers

It is always important to choose the plants in the smaller containers over the bigger ones. The smaller plants are much younger and can easily deal with shock combined with transplanting. The smaller ones grow quicker than the same plant in a larger size. If a plant of smaller size is grown it grows much faster compared to the larger ones. If the plant is a slow grower, it is better to choose a larger sized one. The garden centres in Northern Ireland give the right advice to choose the appropriate plants.

Purchase Plants from Local Growers

It is always good to buy a plant that is grown in the local nursery so that the plant does not go through a huge shock with respect to the environment. While Plants are moved from one kind of environment to another, they need a lot of time to adapt. They may not survive in this struggle.

Read the Label

It is good to go through the label so that it is possible to find more information about the plants like the growth of the plants and whether the plant needs pruning, the exposure that is most suitable for the plant to grow.

Plants should be chosen with great care to create a perfect garden that is green and beautiful. Garden centres in Northern Ireland can be helpful in picking the right plants.

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